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Defining a Model

  • A model in xLights/Nutcracker defines the entire required characteristic about a single physical element of your display. Typically it will represent a common item such as an arch, a matrix, a straight line, flood light as well as more esoteric and custom made items such as singing trees, candy canes, a snowman etc.

It defines the type of lights, the number of channels and other characteristics required to render the sequence data. When a model is defined, it is retained in an xLights/Nutcracker configuration .xml file in the show directory. It can be reused for all subsequent sequences – however it needs to be added to the sequence grid of each sequence as required in order for effects to then be sequenced against the model. A model is made up of one or more strands, and each strand is made up of one or more nodes. To define a model, after opening an existing sequence or creating a new one.

Click on the Models icon on the top row of the canvas or Click on the Models button on the Layout window Right click when in the sequencer window, select Edit Display Elements and then Add Models Clicking on the Models icon, the model list window will display any existing models that have already been defined.