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Revision as of 23:01, 17 August 2015 by Gmachado (Talk | contribs)

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About xLights/Nutcracker

Is xLights/Nutcracker free? Yes. Both Matt and Sean have always believed their software should be made available free to the lighting community. The sources of xLights/Nutcracker is available to download from github. You can download the free sources from [/github.com/smeighan/xLights Sean's Github].

What platforms can xLights/Nutcracker run on? XLNC can run on Windows and MAC and Linux, systems. You can go here for the latest program release.

Setup & Installation

What do I need to install and run xLights/Nutcracker run ? The software is self-contained , but utilizes the VAMP plug-ins to create timing marks such as beats and bars. Therefore it is recommended that you also install Audacity, though you don't have to, to utilize all the other functionality. Refer to the Installation chapter in the manual for details.

Sequencer Effects

I can't seem to save and re-use my Effect Presets. Highlight the effects , right click , select Effect Preset. Ensure that u have your own Group created via Add Group , then click and add as a new preset. Create your own group - do not use Favorites or any default group already.

Importing from Other Sequencers

I'm still using LOR for 8 controllers this year. How do I set them up ? The general rule is that you can do 96 channels of LOR with xLights if the LOR controllers are in LOR mode. Your best bet would be to put the LOR controllers in DMX mode and then xLights can do it all. You can import all your LOR sequences, schedule them play them, edit them, etc. You can export effects via LOR clipboard if you'd like


Papagayo & Singing Faces


What media format is required for sequencing ? Ensure that the mp3 audio is a constant bit rate audio , preferably 128K or 192K . Use Audacity to export the audio as a constant bit rate file.


If I use the Xlights test tab, I get a Red, Green, Blue output using the RGB chase pattern. This does not correspond to the correct colors - which should be Green , Red , Blue. The test tab pattern will always send in 'RGB'. To check the correct colors, create a small sequence , with ON red , then ON green , then ON blue , each of 5 secs or so and then click on Output To lights and run it from there.